e.d.c. proposes a telephone assistance service to support its Customers. The service sometimes has the target to allow the e.d.c. technician to make a pre-diagnosis, in order to have sufficient informations to decide which is the best and most efficient way to help the Customer, solving the problem, or it has the target to directly solve the situation, thanks to the instructions given by the e.d.c. technician and to the collaboration of the Customer.
The standard procedure starts with the assistance official opening at the restitution from the Customer of the assistance module with the costs indication, duly signed and stamped. In order to reduce any waste of time due to these bureaucratic aspects, e.d.c. proposes Telephone (and/or Remote) Assistance Contracts, with the preventive purchase of a certain number of telephone and/or remote assistance hours (20h - 40h - 60h), at a discounted fare.
Therefore, for the Customers with the contract, the formal aspect is already satisfied and it’s possible to proceed with the planification or, possibly, also with the performance of the assistance immediately at the first contact.
The hours purchased can be used up to their finish (and then a new proposal of purchase will be done) and has no expiry date.
For every assistance, in any case is always opened a dedicate module, in order both to have the complete history of the system and to be able to report to the Customer when and for which topics the hours had been used.