On request, e.d.c. proposes the testing and/or sampling service on the Customer’s products.
Of course, the actual opportunity to propose this service is time by time evaluated on the base of the tests required, the characteristics and the quantity of the products to be test and the service modalities.
About this last point, it’s possible to require that the tests are completely performed by an e.d.c. technician, who will also prepare a resuming testing report with the results (therefore, the tests can be done at the presence or not of the Customer); in alternative, it can be the Customer to perform directly the tests, using one or more systems in e.d.c., with a technical support in the beginning and ending phases (and always available, if necessary).
Typical example for this kind of service it’s the Measurement of Partial Discharges performed on different product batches (with different wire/insulation, samples of different producers, …).