Coil Testing

For the Coil Testing, e.d.c. proposes the AST320/WB system. This is the latest product based on over E.D.C.'s 50-year experience in studying, researching and developing testing systems for windings.

Among the most significant characteristics, we can list:

  • Less than 0,75s seconds for a complete coil test
  • Identification also of 1 turns over 2000 in short-circuit
  • Partial Discharge Tests. EDC is the first European Company to study (since 1998) and propose new tests that allow identification of insulation problems between turns of the same winding or due to a wrong impregnation that the standard High Voltage and SURGE tests cannot identify. These problems produce failure of coils after short operating times (hours, days or weeks). In particular these tests are very useful to identify defects due to a bad impregnation (hole in the plastic insulation material, humidity absorbed, etc..).


  • Versions to manage testing with single – double station manual benches. More than one product could be tested at the same time, normally 4 products.
  • Versions to manage parallel testing on Automatic Lines and/or on Rotating Table, commonly with 4 stations. Cycle time lower than 1.5 sec (1 coil) or 0.75s (2 coils tested simultaneously), with a testing cycle as follows:
  1. Ohmic Resistance Test
  2. AC Dielectric Strength Test of 1s (also with the Partial Discharges Measurement 320/PDH – if included – with no need of additional time)
  3. Surge Test (also with the Partial Discharges Measurement 320/PDS – if included – with no need of additional time)
  4. Ohmic Resistance Test repeated after Surge Test
Category: Windings Testing